Quand on ne possède plus ce qu'on achète!

Voici un paragraphe tiré d’une des Michael’s Minute, les textes du fondateur de Linspire. Son texte intitulé You own nothing mérite une lecture attentive. Il fait bien voir les dangers de la privatisation des logiciels.

« In spite of sharing the insides with a traditional PC, the Xbox has a dramatic and dangerous difference. A PC buyer can install any software or hardware that they wish. They own the machine and can change it to suit their needs – true ownership. There are no limitations. This open architecture is largely responsible for the two-decade personal computer revolution. With an Xbox, the user is merely renting the box. Microsoft decides what software (games) users can load and even how they can use it. When it connects to the net, Microsoft can and has instructed the machine to change its behavior to block certain users, functionality or software that it does not agree with. They are changing the rules after you purchase it to suit their needs and not your needs. »

Ouf! Ça me fait peur, pas à vous?

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